
New File Easy: 1506060708090120141114113033 Medium: 2808050706080234100042020003 Hard: 3908080707070231342142200233 Expert: 4908090606090134340323403201

Post Game 100% Save: 4110101414121878879769997587 Post Game*: 1212131310141331003441741421 *the code has collected a green coin in lvl 4

Thanks To JV67572 For The 100% Save Thanks To ScratchySpeedrunner For The Easy Save Thanks To e1_0 For The Post Game Save

Expert saves are very weird, to unlock expert your supposed to 100% the game but beating the game counts for some reason when you beat the game your in post game and there isn’t away back to the beginning without losing the abilty to play expert so i edited the games diffulty to 4 (expert) and it worked but then i realised i could modifiy any New File save and change the first digit to 4

Random Save Generator:

Save Editor